Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

Social Structure in Society

Definition of Social Structure

Soerjono Soekamto said social structure is a social abstract building containing total formation and interaction pattern among its members.

Social Structure, in essense, is an abstract structure of a society consisted of social formation and systems including the system of how the society holds its life in a whole.

Social Structure State of Mind

Social structure consists of the vertical and horizontal social structure.

The Vertical relates with power and control of hierarchical social statuses from the upmost to the lowest. (from top to tie)

The horizontally based on the existence of tribes, races, religion groups dan or gender.

How to Understanding Social Structure Easier?

If Social structure is minimized into a classroom organizational structure, then the vertical dimensions are the chairman, the vice chairman, the secretary, the treasurer and all sections in the class. This consideration is based on authority.

In Horizantal dimension, the class structure can be seen from the boys and girls composition. Besides, religions belief can also be the consideration, like the number of Islam, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddist, and Kong Hu Chu followers.

Formation Process of Social Structure

In Essense, it is too hard to describe the formation of a social structure. It is because social structure is abstract, holistic and formed in a very long process. But in brief, the process can be described as…

A.   Initial Process
Initially, human live in group and are nomadic to exploit the natural resources in traditional way. From this way of life, there came strong and tough people to lead his/ her group including controlling the behavior pattern and work delegation among his/her people.

B.   Development Process
Along with the civilitation increase in the society supported by new inventions and application of latest technology, the social structure of the society also develops.
In such social structure development, there are changes and improvements of status system and power and authority structure of the people in that the society. And every society has different social structure development, which leads to efficiency and effectiveness of power and authority system arrangement.

C.   Final Process
The formation process of social structure actually never ends since social activities always changes and develops. But, in essence, the process of social structure is said to be over when there is no more changes in the current social structure, since the society has considered that the current social condition is good and perfect for the current social structure.

Social Structure Function
a.     public instrument to hold total life arrangement in every life aspect
b.     system chain in holding every life aspect to create more order and harmonious living
c.      specific characteristic owned by a society that could give specific color to make it different than other society

source : Sociology for Senior High School 2, Titi Priyono

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